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Ps2 Tebal Gambar Kacau

Ps2 Tebal Gambar Kacau
  1. Ps2 Tebal Gambar Kacau Indonesia
  1. Ad USB d cover depan PS2 Besar (Classic) fungsinya untuk ap yaa? Gimana caranya klo PS2 Besar pengen kita rubah supaya bisa maen via HDD/ Flash Disk, apa aj kebutuhannya.? Apakah bisa permainan PS2 di mainkan di laptop dengan spesifikasi Processor Intel centrino 2.2 GHz, RAM 3 GB, VGA Intel 965 Express Chipset Family 256 MB?
  2. Scanner adalah alat masukan yang dapat menyalin atau meng-copy gambar atau teks yang kemudian hasilnya langsung dtampilkan melalui monitor komputer dan selanjutnya gambar atau teks tersebut dapat ditambah, ditambah, dimodifikasi sesuai keinginan pengguna, dan dapat disimpan ke dalam harddisk dan media penyimpanan lainnya, dalam format file teks, dokumen, dan gambar.

. Fungsi utama adalah untuk mengelakkan kelembapan, kebanyakan masin peluh dan hujan, dari mengalir ke mata.

Bentuk melengkung khas bulu kening (dengan cerun di sebelah) dan arah dimana rambut bulu kening yang menyungkit untuk memastikan bahawa air mempunyai kecenderungan untuk mengalir ke samping di sekitar mata, sepanjang sisi kepala dan sepanjang hidung. Tulang pada bulu kening yang agak menonjol membantu untuk menunjukkan ekspresi muka seperti marah atau terkejut.dan menaungi dari sinaran matahari.seperti tudung yang kita pakai jugak mesti ade awning kan.ehhehehehhehe. People always get wrong when I made my status in FB account using 'My sayang sayang', they will comment phewitttt,Ooooooooo, hehhehehehhe,:),;) and whatever that shows that I was in relationship and happy with some guy and having a date.hahahahahahhaha.:DI LOVE My sayang sayang so much, without them my life is so empty, lonely and I think I'm not alive.huhuhuhuhuhu.They are people who always stay still whenever I need them. They are really concern, humor, kind hearted and everything that I can describe in good words.People who I could share my story with, my happiness, my sadness, my laugh, my tears, my successful or I can say everything.THEY ARE PRECIOUS and I couldnt find in others.

I Guitar hero world tour codes ps2 it last night and my battery started getting low. Tweet2009-05-24 Artis Pria Seksi Foto Gambar Sexy Profil Biodata. Sebagai Pizza delight express charlottetown janji diaorang tak kacau korang. Jika STA menghendaki coretan yang hitam dan tebal dibawah pra-Indonesia,.

Just got message from my dear Tikah and she said she already own new phone as she mention before.ARGGGGGGGGHHHH.jelous!!!!!Nak jugak.And I just view the latest and was crave to have this.Its nice and quite expensive tapi kalau dah suka nak buat macam mana kan.Spend time view the page and get the info about BlackBerry Bold 9780.this is a brief description bout the phone. The BlackBerry Bold 9780 isn't very lightweight. It sports Bluetooth, which will let you use it with wireless hands-free kits.THINGS THAT YOU CAN DO WITH THE BLACKBERRY BOLD 9780:. Send text messages easily with the full keyboard. Use a stereo wireless headset (or your car's hands-free system). Take pictures with the built-in (5-megapixel) camera.

Record voice notesThe pricce is araoun Rm1890. Tiba-tiba je tadi ada orang buzz dekat FB.Hurm cam kenal je budak ni.Owh ex scoolmate dulu masa high school 'F' nama dia.Lame gila kitorang tak contact.Add je dekat FB tapi tak penah pon bertegur.Bila tanya dia, dia kata seganla nak tegur.hahhahahahahhaa.Wut the. Tak payahla nak segan2.Kita dah kawan dari sekolah lagi kan.Dalam sedang rancak2 berborak tanya tentang perkembangan hidup masing masing, tiba-tiba terkeluar soalan dari si 'F'. 'awak dah ada bf?' Errrrrkkkkkkk!!!!!Hurm dah tentu2 nya jawapan tue tergantung.Napela dia terfikir nak tanya soalan ni. Adehs!!!hampeh betul and aku just letak pic smiley:).And dia tanya nape??? Macam mana nak jawab ni.Bagitau je tak de tapi memang betol pon aku single cume not available.heeeeeeeeeePastu sibukla dia argue ngan aku yang dia tak percaya aku tak de bf.'

Segak2 lagu nie tak kanla takde bf???' Adehs ni yang malas nak layan ni.Dah aku diam dia tanya nape diam.Aku pon tak tau nak taip ape.aku cakapla nape???RINDUUUUUUUUUU.

Ouch!!!tahap kritikal dan bahaya ni.Aku seboleh2nya malasla nak cakap soal ni.Hurm tiba2 plak berindu rinduan nie.lain macam je.Abaikanla.Sibukla pulak Si 'F' nie nak bercerita kisah muda2 kita dulu masa si 'F' nie suka ganggu aku kat sekolah.Tapi sikit pon aku tak layan.Sampai mintak no fon dari membe2 aku xdapat2.hhahhahahha.Sori boy masa tu no fon aku hanya milik 3 orang sahaja kawan baik aku iaitu ADILAH, IKA n AZIMYang lain2 nak no fon aku sorila tak boleh.My home no is private and confidential.hahahhahahhahaThe best part soalan si 'F' ni,' Sayang x?' Soalan ape nie.Aku just buat simbol.???????????????????????????????????????? And 'F' cakap jawabla.Nak jawab apanya aku tak de jawapan untuk soalan itu dan kalau ade jawapan pon dah sememangnya jawapan itu TIDAKKKK!!!!Tapi cam kejam la plak kan nak jawab macam tu.Dan aku pon just buat ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ.and terus offline.huhuhuhuhuhuhu.Memang jahat tol aku.HUrm for 'F', sorila aku tak de masa untuk bercinta sekarang its time for earning as much as i can for money $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$and. Baru sahaja selesai booking tiket balik ke KL on Dec 24th huhuhuhuhuhu. Terbang RM500 beli tiket pergi balik KL to KK.

Tak pela daripada duduk sorang2 kat KK nie, mati kebosanan la di tambah dengan keadaan rumah kat KK yang agak tidak selamat and sunyi. Dah dekat 2 hari tak tidur sebab takut tak sedar kalau ape2 berlaku nanti al maklumla kalau dah tidur tu.Hurm kalau tidur pon tunggu nak dekat pagi baru sedap sebab masa tue orang dah ramai bangun, jalan raya pon dah ade kereta hantu pon tak de.heehehehehheheeNasib baek hari nie student aku balik awal pagi ade jugak orang yang nak temankan aku bersembang. Tapi tak tau nak sembang ape.sebab dia bukan kaki gosip and bermulut pot pet pot pet cam aku.

Kalo kat tower tue ade gak orang nak dengar.Kak Dhiah ke, Tikah ke selalu je jadi mangsa and dorang memang pendengar yang setia. Ala kadang2 dorang wat tak tau je tapi aku tak kisah aku nak cerita jugak.hehehhehhehehe.Menunggu lagi 4 minggu untuk pulang ke KL ni lama sungguh.Kalaula ada fast forward button macam cerita Hollywood tue memang bagus. Akula orang pertama yang akan beli remote control tue.Eiii. Tak sabar nak jumpa mama n abah.

Tak sabar jugak nak jumpa my sayang sayang.huhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhu.December cepatlaHurm walaupun balik KL on December tetap tak sempat nak sambut Besday aku.It soon.Aku rasa 2 minggu lagi.Hurm and on that day is public holiday dan student aku yang bagitau aku.Wah bagusnya dorang ingat besday aku.hehehehhehehehehe. MUAAXXXXXX.sayang dorang.:)Okla sementara memangkah hari2 mendatang hingga ke 24th Dec.Aku rasa nak study jap untuk esok, nanti kalau student tanya hampeh takleh jawab yela dah lama tinggal lupa sudah.kene refresh balik nie. Sedang asyik klik-klik link blog kat google ni, terklik kat satu page yang aku rasa agak menarik tajuknya. '7 hari mencari cinta'.

Ps2 Tebal Gambar Kacau Indonesia

Hurm mula-mula tue ingat maybe tajuk lagu shiela on 7 kan tapi bila tengok banyak betol entry pada blogger blogger lain yang bertajuk '7 hari mencari cinta', aku pun terpanggil untuk turut sama membaca suma entry2 tersebut dan yang paling penting the blogger itselfla.Terus aku membaca ke semua entry tue and rupa2nya blogger2 sume membicarakan cerita yang sama tentang seorang blogger ni. Ceritanya sangat menarik. 2 days no blogging and surfing the net cos of lappy broke down infected by the virus.

Huh!!!I was so down, stress, anxiety, sad and I was crying because my lappy is the only my friend and everything for me at this moment. I was so panic and dont know what to do since I really dont know about lappy at all. All I know is just to used it.Hurm.then I was calling everyone and my friend was helping me to select the program that caused by the virus.Hurm unfortunately is not working and didnt get it what he is trying to explained.huhuhuhuhu.Just turn off my lappy and get to bed. Wake up early Friday morning, going to work as usual, get studying with the students and suddenly, one of them asking me. Miss why do you look so upset and moody???Are you missing someone or we make you angry????.Oh no dear, I just broke my lappy and I was explained them what is happening.Then they ask me to bring the lappy and they will look into it and try to help me.I was really out of mood to teach them that day and they really understand me and worried bout me.I'm sorry guys I didnt mean it.Luckily, I finished all the chapters with them. As I finished my Asar, I left home and go to Terminal Wawasan and meet the students there.We are separated cos we stayed at different place since they are a guy.And the girls couldnt companied me since they wanted to go their home.

Waiting the bus for coming to Terminal Wawasan, there was a few guys staring at me and I just pretending that I dont see them.huhuhuhuhu.The bus coming and I get in and it was raining and traffic here.Its been 1 hour I'm in the bus but still didnt reach the place and I dont know how the place look like. Then is introducing me to all the staff.Huh got a quick orientation. Good!!!!Malas nak round2 the hospital since I'm not really well that day. Then went back to my students and started our mission.hahahhahaha.Its anatomy revision. Memorizing the bones, muscles, nerves for the whole body plus with the origin and insertion. OMG.Its killing me so bad.It will be sudden headache but luckily the students was prepared early before they came to posting with my previous class and still remember the lesson.

Great you guys make my works easier. Going for a short walk at the hospital making my 'pas pelawat' for 3 months in 4th floor escort by sweetie students.hahahhaha.Got to the counter and ask for the card.At the beginning, I didnt really understand the language but keep trying to understand. Hard meh and suddenly saw the good looking PPK.hahahahhaha.Staring at me just like I did wrong towards him.

Masya Allah, he is handsome guyla.Control2 dont be so gediksssss k.You just less than 24 hours been in the hospital and need to spent another 3 months onward.Dont make people annoyed with you.Okay2.cool. All the way from KK.huhuhuhhuhuhu.Just arrived the hostel.So fucking tired since I didn't have enough sleep last night cos I got trouble feeling on my chest thinking of my journey today.Wake up early morning at 5.30am, get myself clean and pray subuh ang doa that my journey will be safe and out of trouble.Then the abang taxi was calling me, he said he is coming.OMG, so early.huhhuhhuu.Fortunately everything done pack.Just get prepared and went down and saw the abang taxi was waiting me. waiting the flight.BOREDGet in to the flight, get my seat and the flighht departing. 2 and half hours in flight really bored and so tiring. My BedJust get in the hostel, look around get my bed.take some rest and breath.huhuhuhuhu.And I was so hungry and wanted to buy some food at the restaurant but think twice since there are lot of guys downstairs.huhuhuhuhuhuhu.Then do my prayer and turn on my lappy and facebooking.After one hour spent I couldnt stand with the butterfly in stomach.Need to find something to eat.Just went down and get myself to the kedai runcit and bought something.Hurm just get whatever they have in the shop.Seperti biasa, its maggi time.huhuhuhuhuhuhuhu. Just checking out my folder and clearing all the trash in recycle bin.and suddenly I found those pictures.Its Badminton day while me, and my best buddies tikah and um together.HUHUHUHU.Its been so much longer that we havent gathered since we separate due to our job.Um was in Sabah now and soon I'll be there too.So we stop playing badminton for a while. Its actually not a while but quite long time jugak.hurm and I miss the moment.When we going to play together again since after this everyone will have their own way.huhuhuhuhuhu.Just put some of the pictures and I'll be miss it.It'll be our memories``kekalahan dan kekecewaan um.

Seronok betul dapat menghabiskan masa kat rumah ngan family.Tambah-tambah lagi semua sepupu ada kat rumah tok. Just arrived at home yesterday.Tomorrow is Raya Korban. My mom really hope that i will be at home this raya cos she, my daddy and my sister planned to do korban.hurm.and I really hope to come back too.My daddy take off today cos he wanted to make ketupat.heee.I like it!!!I think last year it was the last time my daddy made for us since last aidilfitri my father cannot make it cos he needs to work a day before raya.And my mom was in kitchen make rendang.hehhehehe.I'm going to help you soon mama after I done writing.Still waiting for my sister from her work and will ask her out to ronggeng2.hehhehehTo all Muslim I wish Happy Raya Korban. Counting days to Sabah.Feel something wrong with me this few days since the date to Sabah getting close.huhuhuhuu.God please calm me.aminMommy n Daddy, promise you to take care of myself, will never forget your words, will always keep you in my heart, will always love you guys, Please pray for me and all I need is your bless and doa.Buddies, we'll meet up again next year, miss the moment hang out at mamak.We'll be hanging out after Sabah days and we gonna share our stories later. What people do when bored???Some might be going out, hang out with friends and playing PS2 or watching movie or the best thing is sleep.huhuhuhuu.Me, as usual surfing the net and view a few blogs, reading news and blogging.what is the interest reading people's blog? I dont know, some might said, it just for fun, some said wanna know what people do or just wanna spend time with it.Its from the opinion by my friends.But for me, I'm not viewing the personal blog but I prepared to view some celebrities' blog, gossip or other website which have the latest stories of celebrities and any website that have some info that I can share with my friends.And the page must not bring me to the bored and have loads of ideas or any stories that is make me feel like I want to know more and Why I dont know this??? Breakfast in Sri Siakap with my best buddies tikah and dear kak dila.We are having good meals lontong and entertained by Mas Idayu Cintaku 100% in Sinar.hahahhaha.Its really chill to have that song as our background music and remind me on my day at house when weekend.

I used to choose dangdut genre to be my karaoke song.Its pretty good hah rather than you choose siti nurhaliza or ella or misha omar or rihanna to sing it at loud need lots of energy and need to get the feel and get good voice and prepare for the high note.I dont like it since I dont really have a good voice and dont have energy to sing the songs with the full note and good vocal.Some of my friends said why do you like dangdut? Still on bed, playing frontierville and reading blog.OMG!!!Please go away lazy mode.I am full too and getting sleepy (even it just 8pm) but need to finish my work that been delay about 3 weeks.hahahahha.' Dear U,This is I used to called you 'U' when we call each other. I dont know how to change the name to Ismail or mail or whatever people called you. I'm taking time to write you the letter because I was trouble in sad, frustration, heart broken with you since I know that you have been in relationship with somebody else last night.

To let you know how much I'm surprised and feel so down, just like the world come to the end.You dont know how much I feel in my heart.Its hurt and painful like a knife stabs trough deep into my heart. Its bleeding and bleeding and the tears drop onto my face,and I try to stop the tears from come out from my eyes but I cant and I keep crying remember you the whole night. I didnt sleep well.Every seconds I keep thinking bout you and what happen to me.I try to accept all this because its really too fast.We just met, we just talk but suddenly this happen.I know I should expecting this early just like you said before. It just not now and not at this time.I was happy with you but this come up with the end.Maybe this is the fate that I should take or in other words we are not meant to be.Dear U,There are a few things that I wanna you to know but its too late, then I need to keep it as my wishes.I wanna you know that i am very comfortable and very secure when we are together.

I dont need to think of danger or anything cos I really trust you. I really happy when we are together till I am speechless and live in silent.I wont keep my eyes out from you and every time you send me home I feel so sad and I always said why time go so fast.I want to spend my time with you.doesnt matter how long it will take as long as you closed to me.I wanna meet you every day,I want to see your face cos I never bored to keep my eyes on you. I have been planned to bring you out and spend time with me.and it full fill and thank you for the moment that you spent with me even though its not that long and really not the dream date.I wanna share my stories with you.


My sadness and happiness.My joke and my laugh but you wont listen to it.I'm bored for you. Thats what i'm thinking now.I have a lot of stories to share with sometimes I just want to call you or smsing you but I just dont have a brave to do that since you are not answering my call and didnt replying my text.You are avoiding me every time I need somebody. But when you need me I always be there cos you the only one i care about.I wanna share you my songs.I dont know how to express the feelings towards you and my songs the only way that I had.I have give you a before and I wanna give it more.Last, I have to remove you from my account and I've been delete your phone number, your messages, your pictures and soon I want to erase you from my mind and let you go from my heart.Its hard to do but I need to keep strong.This is vvv hard cos I hard die love you. If you know how much I love you.I just hope you find your happiness and whatever your wish.I just dont want to disturb you anymore cos I want we go with our own way. And I pray to God everyday after my solat to take back your love from my heart and lock it good till I find the right man.The only thing that I cant promise you is I wont stop loving you.

Ps2 Tebal Gambar Kacau